Archive for October, 2009

What To Do?

October 1, 2009

If you’re anything like me, you’ll wanna go out somewhere this weekend.  On Saturday night, you’ll get all gussied up and put on your shiny shoes, ready for a good time.  But then, out of nowhere, conflict will arise.  You’ll wanna see Vaudevillian skits, live music, naked ladies, and people juggling things on fire- all at the same time.  On top of all that, you’ll wanna get drunk too.  You’ll pace through your home, desperately trying to conjure up the kind of place that would appease all of these oh so American urges.  You’ll eventually drive yourself into madness, finding yourself in sweatpants sprawled out on your living room floor playing Galaga and drinking Dr. Pepper straight from the two-liter bottle.  Oh what a disheartening existence your life has become.

Well sir, dust yourself off and look to me.  I have found salvation.  And if you live in Milwaukee, it is right around the corner.  This Saturday, October 3rd at Stonefly Brewery, Dead Man’s Carnival will be bringing their variety acts to you live.  There’ll be danger.  There’ll be decadence.  There’ll be ooohs and aaahs.  Most importantly, though, there will be zombie blood wrestling.  That’s right.  You heard me.  Zombie-fucking-blood-wrestling.  So come on out, get yourself a beer, and get me one while you’re at it.
